Sharp Increase for Q2 LGD’s 65“ OLED Shipment… OLED TV Enlargement Gaining Momentum

LG Display sharply increased their Q2 2016 65 inch OLED panel shipment. It is analyzed that OLED TV is entering active market growth and enlargement stages.
July 20, 2016/by olednet

Intel, LG Display, Dolby Laboratories, Audi and more slated to preset at the OLEDs World Summit 2016

Intel, LG Display, Dolby Laboratories, Audi and more slated to preset at the OLEDs World Summit 2016
July 11, 2016/by olednet

[Analyst Column] If You Can’t Do OLED, Don’t Even Dream About QLED

As the next generation TV technology, QLED is becoming an issue in media. This is because Samsung Electronics selected QLED TV as the next product after the currently selling SUHD TV.
July 11, 2016/by OLEDNET

LG Elec. Estimates That Consolidated Operating Profit Came to KRW 584.6 billion for Q2

LG Electronics Inc. (LG) today announced its preliminary earnings results for the second quarter of 2016
July 8, 2016/by olednet

Samsung Elec. Estimate That Consolidated Operating Profit Came to KRW 8.1 trillion for Q2 2016

Samsung Elec. announced its earnings guidance for the second quarter of 2016. Samsung Elec. estimates that consolidated sales came to approximately KRW 50 trillion, and consolidated operating profit of approximately KRW 8.1 trillion.
July 8, 2016/by olednet

Kateeva Promotes Two Key Executives

Kateeva today announced two executive promotions: Conor Madigan, Ph.D. adds Chief Operating Officer (COO) to his current role of President, and Eli Vronsky becomes Chief Product Officer.
June 30, 2016/by olednet

[Manufacturing World Japan 2016] VR Rapidly Expands to Manufacturing Industry

VR(virtual reality) technology is rapidly expanding to manufacturing industry as well the contents sector such as films and games. In particular, technologies including 3D rendering and motion technology, fused with VR, are anticipated to create synergy in diverse areas such as product design, architecture, facility management, etc.
June 27, 2016/by OLEDNET

UDC Announces Strategic Acquisition of Adesis

UDC announced today that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Adesis, Inc. Adesis is a privately held contract research organization (CRO) with 43 employees specializing in organic and organometallic synthetic research, development, and commercialization.
June 27, 2016/by olednet

[ Manufacturing World Japan 2016] Plenty of VR Contents·SW…360° Comic Books ect.

Plenty of VR related contents and software products were exhibited in Manufacturing World Japan 2016 (22-25 June).
Transmedia presented Drop in VR which is a platform which allows users to create, manage and publish VR contents. The user-created 3D modelled contents can be uploaded to the Drop in VR server, and edited by adding music, clips, and other functions.
June 24, 2016/by OLEDNET

[Manufacturing World Japan 2016] Gear VR + Galaxy S6 4D Movie Experience

At Manufacturing World Japan (22-25 June, Tokyo Big Sight), 4D movie was demonstrated through Gear VR.
Dynamo Amusement, a contents company, showed their VR contents Megalodon, and used Samsung Electronics’ Gear VR and Galaxy S6 for demonstration.
June 23, 2016/by OLEDNET

Manufacturing World Japan 2016 Biggest Opening Yet…Automotive, VR, Medical Device, etc.

Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd., the largest trade show organiser in Japan, announced that Manufacturing World Japan 2016, Japan’s leading trade show for the manufacturing industry, is coming back at Tokyo Big Sight from June 22 - 24, 2016 with the largest scale in its history.
June 17, 2016/by OLEDNET

Samsung Display, Spurs on OLED for Notebook and Tablet

With diverse merits, OLED application is increasing to include notebook, tablet, monitor, etc. Accordingly, Samsung Display’s OLED panel is being actively expanding to this market.
June 15, 2016/by OLEDNET